Why choose our products
Quality and tradition

The almond of our territory, compared to all the other varieties, is less rich in oil and richer in proteins.
Its beneficial properties for the health and well-being of the body are many:
high percentage of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats that help reduce "bad cholesterol";
very high nutritional value as they contain iron and vitamins and are therefore an excellent remedy for anemia;
rich in proteins and excellent as a food for sports nutrition;
antioxidant properties and are therefore very beneficial for health;
infants who have lactose intolerance can be given a mixture of powdered almonds with hot water;
contain alpha-tocopherol, which is an important source of vitamin E , which is excellent for hair and skin health;
they are able to increase blood flow to vital organs and are also used as an aphrodisiac;
provide the nutrients that help increase bone mineral density. It benefits the bones and the entire skeletal system, which is why they are indicated in the diet of the elderly and all those suffering from osteoporosis.
they also possess laxative properties and help produce soft stools and avoid other digestive system problems.

Cultivation and harvesting methods

Among all the Almond trees, the Thunder is one of the ones that blooms later.
This characteristic is well suited to the climatic conditions that characterize our almond grove which, located at 800 meters above sea level, is exposed to the risk of early spring frosts.
Our crops grow on an unusual soil, a layer of volcanic rocks, the result of an ancient lava flow, rich in minerals and inserted in the heart of a varied and unique territory at the same time, embellished by the protected area of the Park by the Etna (UNESCO heritage) in which it is inserted.
These peculiarities represent the frame in which our almond trees are inserted, a frame decorated during the spring flowering and animated during the harvesting period which usually takes place between the last week of August and the first ten days of September.
The processing during the harvest takes place with the traditional manual method. The fruits, after having shaken the branches, fall on tents placed at the base of the crops where the soil allows it, in other cases, however, the worker uses baskets, "panari", and overturned umbrellas that allow you to reach the trees found in uneven parts of the terrain where harvesting by the tent method is impossible.
After being collected and having removed the husk (the tender part external to the shell), the fruits are spread out in the sun on cloths as tradition dictates and, once dried, they are directed to what is the crushing phase from which the almond as we know it, ready to be eaten.